Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 15 of 31: I have to admit

I'm halfway through my goal of daily blogging. It definitely hasn't been easy and I have missed one day thus far. However, it's forcing me to see more of what God is doing in me and around me.  It is making me reflect more on the daily events and to praise God more for those events! 

It's also revealing something I've known for awhile but didn't want to admit.  I have to admit, I puff myself up when I see how many people have viewed my blog. I also notice the same thing with "likes" on Facebook. This realization is causing me me to evaluate where I get satisfaction from and where I get my worth from. 

If I'm not getting my worth from my relationship with The Lord and who He says I am then I'm destined for disappointment and discouragement.  This world is gonna let me down and no one person or thing can truly fulfill me like Jesus!  I must continue to find my identity and my worth from my risen Savior Jesus Christ and Him alone! 

So if no one views this blog does that mean I'm less valuable in His eyes?? The answer is NOPE! He loves me no matter what and longs for me to love Him back! This blog isn't written to attract the masses, it's written to bring glory and honor to God for He alone is worthy of all glory, honor, and praise!

My prayer:
Lord forgive me when I look to other things or people to satisfy me and give me worth! I can be confident in being a dearly loved daughter of the King! 

My challenge: where do you find your identity? What gives you worth in this life? Does it truly satisfy? Have you tried a relationship with Jesus??

1 comment:

Loralee said...

And while you don't need me to say it (wink), your love for HIM shines through all the words you write.