Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Something Old, Something New, Something Good from Something Blue

One of the things Mark and I loved about our wedding day was how God brought a lot of our favorite people and put them in one room with us!  There were 20 states and 3 countries represented at our wedding.  I don’t say this to brag but to point out a very awesome fact about Mark and I’s wedding day.

The majority of these people who came from all over were people Mark and I had met while serving in New Orleans.  To name a few: the pastor who married us, the couple who took our photos, 4 members of the bridal party, our cake baker, and many guests!  If it wasn’t for Hurricane Katrina, Mark and I wouldn’t have met in New Orleans.  If it wasn’t for Hurricane Katrina, we wouldn’t have met all of these amazing people and had the chance to celebrate with them. 

The “Something Good from Something Blue,” I reference in my title is that Mark and I’s union would not have happened without the devastation and sadness caused by Hurricane Katrina and God putting it on our hearts to show the love of Christ to those in need.  We praise God that He can take the storms of this life and make something good come out of them.  We are so thankful that God would choose to use us to bring the hope of Christ to others in the wake of crisis.  We pray that whatever storms we or others may face, we don’t forget that our God is sovereign, He is in control, and He can turn them into good. 

"He caused the storm to be still, so that the waves of the sea were hushedThen they were glad because they were quiet, so He guided them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the LORD for His lovingkindness, and for His wonders to the sons of men! Let them extol Him also in the congregation of the people, and praise Him at the seat of the elders." (Psalm 107:29-32)

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)


Anonymous said...

So true! That is a much needed verse today :)

Deb Marley said...

Love reading your posts and newsletter, Mrs. Manning. God willing I will be bringing another team to Urban Impact June 7! Hope we can connect while I am there.