Hello Blog Readers!
Praises this week:
Spending time with Prince family who served in NOLA with me!
Reconnecting with Trinity and Brooklyn Park teams!
Having the opportunity to recruit on Northwestern and Bethel's campuses - please pray for good connections and interested students!
One praise comes from my visit to Plainview MN where I hung out with the group from Trinity EFC. I was blessed to stay with a couple Gene and Judy who had built their dream home, a log cabin on the side of a valley...wayyy awesome!
I was challenged the day before about how even though God had given the Israelites a huge to-do list in building the tabernacle, God provided for everything they needed to get the job done. He didn't just give them a monster to-do list but provided the skill, labor, and materials to get the task accomplished.
So after hearing from Gene about what it took to put this log cabin together, log by log...I just sat there in amazement that God not only provided for Gene to accomplish this goal (just like God did for the tabernacle), but God desires to accomplish the task He's set before me and will provide the skill, labor, materials, interns, etc to develop a God-glorifying, kingdom building, disciple-making internship program.
Thank you Lord for not only giving me a vision for the next generation of missionaries, but thank you Lord that you have already and will provide all that I need to accomplish this goal! I pray I will trust you and continue to step out in faith knowing you provide!
Love yall! Thank you for the prayers!
Katie :)
"LORD our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you!" 1 Chronicles 29:16
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