Hey there!
Hope this blog finds you all doing well. We have two teams this week in Louisiana: Cornerstone from Pennsylvania and Northwood from Florida. They'll be working on four different job sites: Miss Camm
Cornerstone has been here before and they started at Dave's house. Hopefully, they will get to see the amazing progress that Dave's house has made! This is Northwood's first time here and we are so excited to have them!
Keep praying for these teams as they work throughout the week. Pray for fruitful conversations with homeowners and other people in the community and also that these two teams will grow in Christ and take home the things they learn.
This past week marks the last month that the interns will be here! We've been so blessed, working with Katie and the other staff members from Crisis Response. We're so grateful for our supporters and those that are praying for us. Please keep praying for us as we continue on with Crisis Response. That God will work in us even more this month and that we will keep spreading the word about what Christ is doing in New Orleans!
God Bless!
Chelsea :)
Great Job!
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