Friday, May 8, 2009

Beauty Among the Waters

(flooding over a field)

Hi Everyone...

Wow I can't believe I'm actually blogging right now...been wayyyy tooo long! Anyways I am in North Dakota. Haha yes I can't believe it either. Just when I think God can't surprise me anymore he sends me north.

In case you're not aware, there was some major flooding in this area due to a very very rainy fall season and a very very snowy winter. There was just too much water and it flooded for miles upon miles. Thousands of sandbags were put up to protect homes and now that the flood is over, homeowners could really use help in removing those sandbags and Eagle Valley EFC and SonRise EFC are willing and ready to take volunteer teams to help in those efforts. Please be praying that God would raise up His workers for this harvest field. The churches definitely see this as a ministry opportunity to reach out into their communities (communities that are spread apart where it's only one house for miles) to share with them God's love.
(hundreds of sandbags around this home)

(flooding over a driveway....the homeowners use a bobcat to get across)

One of the sad affects of the flood is that the fields have not dried up yet...which means the farmers (which make up most of the working class here) cannot plant their crops and will suffer financially. This is a crisis. Please be in prayer as well that the fields would dry up and the farmers could begin planting.

I will say this...for its flatness, it is beautiful up here! You can see all the way to the horizon and watch the most gorgeous sunsets. God is truly amazing and He has put everything in its exact place and is in control of all of it.
(gorgeous sunset from Eagle Valley EFC)

Hope to keep you better informed!


The LORD sits enthroned over the flood;
the LORD is enthroned as King forever.
The LORD gives strength to his people;

the LORD blesses his people with peace.

Psalm 29:10-11

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