Well I have 30 minutes before I need to jump in a car to head to the Minneapolis/St Paul airport to catch my flight to New Orleans via St. Louis so I thought what better way to spend these next 30 minutes than praising God for 2012!!
1) God is still the same great and awesome God He was at the start of 2012 and at the end of it!
2) Jesus my Savior is Risen indeed!
3) His Spirit lives inside me and counsels me in the way I should live each day.
4) For my family - who continually supports this crazy girl in the adventure God has her on!
5) I traveled ALOT in 2012 and God protected me every step of the way! From every flight to every car ride!
6) February 21, 2012 I reached full support as a long term missionary with the EFCA!!!! This milestone allowed me to return to NOLA by March 1st 2012 to continue the work God has for me.
7) God opened up the door for new mission fields in the wake of Hurricane Isaac and Hurricane Sandy! More lives were open to the Gospel and were transformed by the love of Christ!
8) God called volunters, interns, and mentors to serve with us over the summer of 2012 in New Orleans and in Haiti!!
9) Ariealle fellow staff member also reached full support and was able to join us on the ground.
10) I saw how God is working in the country of Haiti and encouraged my fellow missionaries, Haitian brothers and sisters in Chirst!
11) The EFCA pulled together a committee to discuss internships and asked me to be a part of the discussions on how internships could be utilized and offered to this next generation to multiply leaders!
12) The EFCA's youth conference, aka Challenge, was hosted in New Orleans and many youth were impacted to draw closer to God and to serve those in need! They prayed for my city and worked alongside churches and church planters to further God's work!
13) God turned a 4 year friendship into a dating relationship in Sept 2012...very blessed :)
14) My mom came to visit me in NOLA over Thanksgiving!
15) God provided a home for me on the same street I'd been living on and one that the teams had worked on and prayed over!
16) Last but not least, I praise God for the work He has done in my heart over this last year. I'm no where near perfect but recognize how much I need Him everyday and it's through Him that I live and move and have my being (Acts 17:28). I praise Him for how He continues to remove my selfish pride and wants to give me a heart of flesh and not of stone (Ezekiel 36:26). I praise Him for all the many lessons He has taught me over the last year and I pray He keeps reminding me of those lessons so I don't forget them. Even today the reminder that my words are a result of my heart (Luke 6:45)...may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight Oh Lord! (psalm 19:14)
Thank you Jesus for 2012 and I'm looking forward to what 2013 has in store! :)
"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the Name of the LORD is to be praised!"
Psalm 113:3