December 2011(back wall/kitchen) |
Today's blog post comes from my room in Ms. Val's home in NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA!!!! One thing I've been focusing on this week is having a heart of gratitude and being settled in this home just releases huge shouts of praise and thankfulness! Why?? because this time last year this home sat empty, vacant, deserted, in need of repair, without hope, and without light...it was another statistic in the "what did Katrina destroy" list.
and Today...it's furnished, painted, full of laughter, joy, love, and women who LOVE JESUS!!! who have a desire to be the light of Christ and share His hope with our neighbors!!! This once empty house has been completely transformed into a warm welcoming home for whoever enters its doors. We are forever grateful to the hundreds (literally hundreds) of volunteers who obeyed God's call to go and serve those in need!
Not only were thousands of sweat drops poured over this house but thousands of hours of prayer...sometimes I'm standing in the kitchen and I feel the prayers of those who came to show Christ's love to this home and its homeowner Ms. Valerie. Ms. Valerie is tremendously grateful for every single volunteer who came down, who gave up comforts of home, who took vacation time, who stepped outside their comfort zone in central city New Orleans, who showed love to our neighbors, who treated her home like their home.
August 2012 (the back wall/kitchen is behind our heads) |
and tomorrow...we will continue to pour out the love of Christ you showed to this home to our neighbors and encourage them to know the everlasting love of our Father in Heaven! We have a desire to be intentional with truly LOVING OUR NEIGHBORS AS OURSELVES because Christ first loved us! Please join us in prayer for S. Derbigny St and Central City New Orleans. God has me here for a purpose and I want to fulfill that purpose to bring God glory!! Pray we wouldn't miss an opportunity to share our faith and reflect the image of Christ to our neighbors that they see Him in us and want to know Him! Pray for wisdom as we seek to build authentic vulnerable relationships with our neighbors in a way that demonstrates the love of Christ and draws them into a closer walk with Him.
So it's worth it...if you haven't come down yet or it's been a while to serve those who need the transforming work of the Gospel and who need houses transformed to homes, ...we need you! It's worth it :)