Chelsea is HERE!!! I picked her up from the airport Tuesday and surprised her by taking her to Dave's home where she worked last summer. The team this week from Lifesong Community in Chino CA was there working on the flooring! It's coming along really nicely!
Also Chelsea will be taken over my blog for the summer to post God stories and update you all on needs and homes we're working on. She's doing a great job getting our EFCA Crisis Response page on facebook up and ready so be sure to "like" it!
One cool story from the week comes from a team member from the CA team. He confessed that at the beginning of the week, he was not that excited about prayer walks...he wanted to work on the house! But after this week he said that the prayer walks have been one of the biggest blessings thus far! He's gotten to pray for a community he's never seen before and for people he's never met before and God has really moved in his heart this week! PRAISE GOD for continuing to use a storm almost 6 years ago to transform people's hearts!!! He is GOOOD!
Check out for updates and photos from Dave's home!
LOVE YOU!! So happy to have you in my life!
In Christ,
Katie :)
"But remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today." Deut 8:18